LEVEL 1 INSPECTION — $247 Per Chimney

A Level 1 chimney inspection is the most basic and standard inspection of a chimney system, recommended for chimneys that have been regularly maintained and are still in use with the same appliance. During a Level 1 inspection, the inspector will examine the readily accessible portions of the chimney, including the interior and exterior of the chimney structure, as well as the connection between the chimney and the appliance. The inspector will check for any visible signs of damage, deterioration, or blockage in the chimney, such as cracks, corrosion, or debris build-up.

The inspector will also evaluate the performance of the chimney, checking for any signs of back-draft or improper draft, which can indicate problems with the flue or appliance. They will also verify that the chimney cap and spark arrestor are in place and functioning properly. Overall, a Level 1 inspection is a thorough examination of the visible and accessible components of the chimney system to ensure its safe and efficient operation.

professional chimney inspector Manchester, NH

Moreover, the inspector delves into the connection between the chimney and the appliance, ensuring the integrity of this juncture. The inspection encompasses a comprehensive appraisal of the connection to unearth any signs of deterioration or malfunction. Debris accumulation, which can accumulate over time, is also scrutinized, as it can pose a potential fire hazard or lead to a decrease in the chimney's efficiency. By systematically addressing these aspects, the Level 1 inspection guarantees that no potential risks are overlooked and that the chimney system continues to operate at its optimal capacity.

Beyond the visual assessment, the inspector also assesses the functional performance of the chimney. This extends to the scrutiny of the chimney's draft, including a careful examination for any back-draft or improper draft indications. Detecting these irregularities early can pinpoint problems with the flue or appliance that might hinder the chimney's efficient operation or even pose safety concerns. By diagnosing these issues in their nascent stages, the Level 1 inspection actively contributes to maintaining the overall health of the chimney system and preventing any unwanted mishaps.

chimney inspection Manchester, NH

To augment the inspection's comprehensive nature, the inspector ensures that the chimney cap and spark arrestor are not only present but also functioning effectively. These components are pivotal in preventing unwanted debris, animals, and sparks from entering the chimney, thus upholding both safety and efficiency. This comprehensive approach exemplifies the dedication to meticulousness and thoroughness that characterizes a Level 1 inspection.

In essence, a Level 1 chimney inspection transcends its basic categorization to become an indispensable aspect of responsible chimney ownership. It safeguards against potential hazards, preserves efficiency, and prolongs the chimney system's lifespan. By addressing both visible and hidden concerns, the Level 1 inspection epitomizes a proactive approach to chimney maintenance, offering homeowners peace of mind and assurance that their fireplace and chimney are primed for enduring performance.


A Level 2 chimney inspection stands as a pivotal service, offering a comprehensive assessment that surpasses the scope of a Level 1 inspection. This higher level of inspection becomes particularly pertinent when various changes have occurred within the chimney system, prompting the need for a more in-depth evaluation. These changes could encompass a shift in the type of fuel being utilized, the introduction of a new appliance, or even a modification to the flue lining. The Level 2 inspection serves as a safeguard, ensuring that the chimney system remains optimal and safe despite these alterations.

Throughout a Level 2 inspection, a qualified inspector takes on the responsibility of conducting an extensive visual examination coupled with a non-destructive approach. This meticulous scrutiny spans across all accessible areas of the chimney, encompassing both its interior and exterior structures. Moreover, this scrutiny extends to encompass hidden or concealed segments of the chimney, such as the attic or crawl space, where potential issues might be lurking.

Building upon the checks conducted during a Level 1 inspection, a Level 2 assessment boasts additional layers of examination, elevating its thoroughness. One prominent feature of this advanced inspection is the potential inclusion of a video inspection, where specialized equipment is employed to navigate the interior of the flue. This technology-driven process allows inspectors to meticulously inspect the flue's condition, scrutinizing for telltale signs of wear and tear, including cracks, leaks, and potential blockages that might impede efficient operation.

As a testament to its comprehensive nature, a Level 2 inspection might also involve a pressure test—a step that adds an extra dimension to the evaluation process. This test assesses the integrity of the flue, ensuring that it remains appropriately sealed. By meticulously probing this aspect, inspectors guarantee that the chimney system not only operates efficiently but also maintains the highest level of safety standards.

The overarching significance of a Level 2 inspection cannot be understated. Beyond its role in satisfying regulatory requirements, it plays a pivotal part in the maintenance of a chimney system's functionality and security. With the potential for changes to fuel types, appliance installations, and flue linings, the dynamic nature of chimney systems necessitates a corresponding flexibility in inspection methodologies. The Level 2 inspection meets this demand by delivering a comprehensive assessment tailored to the specific changes that have taken place.

expert chimney inspection services

In conclusion, a Level 2 chimney inspection stands as a crucial safeguard in the face of evolving chimney systems. Its holistic approach, spanning from visual examinations to advanced video inspections and pressure tests, ensures that changes within the chimney system do not compromise its safety or efficiency. Whether it's a change in fuel, the addition of new appliances, or alterations to the flue lining, a Level 2 inspection provides the assurance that the chimney system remains reliable, secure, and capable of delivering optimal performance while prioritizing the safety of occupants and property.